(Available in-person only)
The BIP serves the Courts and localities of Harrisonburg/Rockingham, Frederick, Clarke, Page, Warren, and Shenandoah counties. Since 1992 the BIP has offered a means for batterers to examine their behavior and the belief system supporting it. It covers topics such as violent vs. nonviolent conflict resolution, emotional abuse vs. respect, and intimidation vs. non-threatening behavior (see topic list below).
BIP Mission: To aid in the elimination of domestic violence by providing services to batterers, promote safety and justice for victims of domestic violence, and affect social change leading to cultural values that prohibit rather than support abuse within intimate relationships.
BIP Philosophy:
- Battering is a LEARNED BEHAVIOR that can be unlearned
- Violence is NEVER ACCEPTABLE and the batterer must take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for his behavior
- Violence is a CHOICE, a conscious decision, used to achieve POWER AND CONTROL
BIP Goals:
- To end all forms of physical and sexual abuse
- To stop intimidating behaviors such as throwing things, threats, or anything meant to cause fear
- To end verbal and emotional abuse including name-calling, swearing, yelling, and insults
- To cease blaming of partner or children for the batterers feelings and behavior
- To become a better listener, and learn new communication skills
- To respect the differences of others
- To give more praise and support
- To take responsibility for ones own self-care, and become less dependent on the partner
The BIP is a 25 week program that includes an Intake session and 24 groups. The cost is $25 a session. Each group session lasts 1 ½ hours. At the first session, a new member is expected to give an account of why he is there. Group members are expected to “check-in” weekly and participate throughout the group. The BIP groups are open to observers who sign confidentiality agreements. We welcome observers as part of our external evaluation of the BIP. The BIP has men’s and women’s groups in Harrisonburg, Luray, Woodstock, Front Royal and Winchester, VA. The BIP also provides tailored services to meet the needs of voluntary participants, females, adolescents, and referrals from DSS, Probation and Parole, and Court Services.
Some of the topics covered are:
- Types of abuse
- Impact of domestic violence on the partner / victim
- Impact of domestic violence on the children
- Identify the personal, societal, family and cultural values that legitimize and sustain violence
- Identify behavioral, emotional, and physical cues that precede violence
- Develop alternatives to violent and controlling behaviors
- Conflict resolution and fair fighting skills
- The relationship between domestic violence and substance abuse
- The relationship between domestic violence and mental health issues
- Communication and listening skills
- Decreasing isolation and developing a support system
- Identifying, feeling and expressing emotions
- Qualities of healthy relationships
- Accountability and self-examination
For more information, please contact Judith Weaver, BIP Director at 540.433.1291 or Email: jwalpc@aol.com